So what does Labour think of the Conservative idea?
Well, Anne Western, Labour leader of Derbyshire County Council has accused the Conservatives of causing “mischief" and "trying to stick a spoke in the wheel”.
She says: "What is disappointing is that the county Conservatives and some of the MPs are trying to squash all of that good work for their own political benefit.
"Their concerns are more about whether can they reshape local government so it’s Conservative controlled.
“There may well be some cost savings in unitary councils, but that’s less than some people think it is.
“We’ve got an urgent job of work to do to keep services running. If we start talking about unitary councils, we waste two or three years just thinking about structures.”
Well, Anne Western, Labour leader of Derbyshire County Council has accused the Conservatives of causing “mischief" and "trying to stick a spoke in the wheel”.
She says: "What is disappointing is that the county Conservatives and some of the MPs are trying to squash all of that good work for their own political benefit.
"Their concerns are more about whether can they reshape local government so it’s Conservative controlled.
“There may well be some cost savings in unitary councils, but that’s less than some people think it is.
“We’ve got an urgent job of work to do to keep services running. If we start talking about unitary councils, we waste two or three years just thinking about structures.”
Not saying Tory MPs are thick but the attack on DCC by Erewash Tory Maggie Throup for closing Hillcrest residential care home is a bit much as it was proposed when the Tories controlled DCC along with 17 other care homes. Labour have saved 18 care homes and are only closing 4
When we win in May this scheme will be re instated to help such deserving local causes.Shame on the Tories for cutting this scheme as their first act in taking control last May Labour can and does make a difference.
Very Happy to receive £2500 from Amber Valley Council, one cheque for £1000 and another to follow for £1500 towards our benefits/debt advice and our food bank and community kitchen.
A BIG THANK YOU from all the staff at Salcare
Very Happy to receive £2500 from Amber Valley Council, one cheque for £1000 and another to follow for £1500 towards our benefits/debt advice and our food bank and community kitchen.
A BIG THANK YOU from all the staff at Salcare
Surprise Surprise the Tories have voted to remove the building of houses in Belper and Kedleston on the western side of the Borough on the basis they can build more on the existing site in Alfreton, Heanor and Ripley. Voting Tory really has made in difference in Amber Valley to the eastern side of the Borough.
It is rumored that the European referendum will be June 2016. Whose betting that the Borough elections will be put back if it is.
Labour delivering a new Library for Heanor
The Tories must have known they were going to lose Only 2 of their 6 candidates turned up (Funnily the two who live in Horsley Woodhouse) and none of the Independents
Re-tweeted East Midlands Labour (@EastMidsLabour):
Congratulations to the newly elected 7 Labour Heanor Town Councillors. 7/7 for Labour in West Ward!!
Congratulations to the newly elected 7 Labour Heanor Town Councillors. 7/7 for Labour in West Ward!!
Interesting that Nigel Mills is upset about the lack of publicity over the Heanor West ward election for Heanor and Loscoe Town Council.He should complain to Tory controlled Amber Valley Borough Council who ran the election. Or is it just sour grapes because Labour won all 7 seats or maybe he should have worked harder and delivered more leaflets
Tories give into nimby-ism by voting against building 400 houses
at Kedleston.
This is despite it being in the Council's 'core strategy', the Council not having a 5 years supply of houses and the need to provide housing sites to meet the demand from Derby.
The reason given was that it would spoil the view of Kedleston Hall. Just two points to make on this .Firstly you cannot see Kedleston Hall from the site and secondly the application was from the people who own Kedleston Hall.
What's the betting the tories will try a supply the needed houses in the Labour areas of the Borough
at Kedleston.
This is despite it being in the Council's 'core strategy', the Council not having a 5 years supply of houses and the need to provide housing sites to meet the demand from Derby.
The reason given was that it would spoil the view of Kedleston Hall. Just two points to make on this .Firstly you cannot see Kedleston Hall from the site and secondly the application was from the people who own Kedleston Hall.
What's the betting the tories will try a supply the needed houses in the Labour areas of the Borough
The planning board have approved the development of the former American Adventure site. This will mean that the site could end up with 307 houses, 120 bedroom hotel and a 120 homes as ;part of a retirement village .Whilst making provision for ONLY 27 'affordable houses' Says it all
American Adventure site homes plan given go-ahead
The American Adventure in Derbyshire closed in 2007 and the land has been unused ever since.
Two previous attempts by developers Waystone to gain planning permission from Amber Valley Borough Council have been turned down since 2012.
Councillor Paul Jones, who opposed the plan, said the development will be too "intense".
He cited proposals for a retirement village, a pub and hotel as part of the grounds for his objection.
The council previously rejected the plan for the 112-acre site, saying it wanted more details and that the proposals were not in keeping with the area.
It has now been approved in principle, but Waystones will have to submit a full planning application containing more details.
The American Adventure in Derbyshire closed in 2007 and the land has been unused ever since.
Two previous attempts by developers Waystone to gain planning permission from Amber Valley Borough Council have been turned down since 2012.
Councillor Paul Jones, who opposed the plan, said the development will be too "intense".
He cited proposals for a retirement village, a pub and hotel as part of the grounds for his objection.
The council previously rejected the plan for the 112-acre site, saying it wanted more details and that the proposals were not in keeping with the area.
It has now been approved in principle, but Waystones will have to submit a full planning application containing more details.
Looking forward to exposing Tory incompetence tonight at the Full Council. At the last Council meeting they allowed 6 Tory members to vote who had not signed their acceptance of Office and ,therefore, in breach of section 83 of the Local Government Act. The joys of opposition.
Surprise Surprise the Tories have voted to remove the building of houses in Belper and Kedleston on the western side of the Borough on the basis they can build more on the existing site in Alfreton, Heanor and Ripley. Voting Tory really has made in difference in Amber Valley to the eastern side of the Borough.
Tory Deputy Leader ,David Wilson, was forced to apologise at the Full Council meeting last night after making an inappropriate remark to Labour member John McCcabe ,who said 'In 27 years on the Council he had never been spoken to in that manner'
Tory Leader,Alan Cox, deliberately misled the Council on legal advice it has received about membership of the Herbert Strutt Committee by not giving members the full details of the advice in order to support his deliberate and petty attempt to reduce the Labour membership of the Committee.
Tory Leader, Alan Cox, refused to deny that the Tories are looking to provide a new Council Chamber within the existing main council offices.
Tory deputy Leader,David Wilson, denied at last nights Full Council meeting that the Tories were committed to delivering free garden waste collection to ever household in Amber Valley despite them promising to do so in their election leaflets. Lies, damn lies and the Tory party will promise anything to get elected.
Great to see Codnor Castle Trust getting a £5000 interest free loan to help develop the site and make it more accessible for tourists etc. This was part of Labour plan,when in office, to develop the long forgotten heritage of the eastern side of the Borough
Noticed that former Tory Borough Councillor and BNP Town Councillor Alan Warner is now supporting UKIP. Like you I do not know the difference
Can a leopard change its spots? NO! The Tory candidate for the Crosshill & East ward in the Codnor Parish Council election who was a Tory then a Liberal then joined Labour has switched back to the Conservatives. Just like his Borough candidates, he wants to 'get a better deal for the precept (council tax) we all pay' What he does not say is what is the better deal. He has been rubbing shoulders with no show Candy Crush Nigel too much.
Who says this election is boring? Nice bit of political graffiti at Tesco roundabout Heanor
Did I miss something ??????
A Political party makes pledges in 2010 and then breaks them - Life carries on
The same political party makes pre election pledges and also says they will make it law that those pledges are kept ?
Don't they even trust themselves now to keep the pledges ?
This is something NEW !
I understand the party in question is led by David Cameron - Shambles !!!!
A Political party makes pledges in 2010 and then breaks them - Life carries on
The same political party makes pre election pledges and also says they will make it law that those pledges are kept ?
Don't they even trust themselves now to keep the pledges ?
This is something NEW !
I understand the party in question is led by David Cameron - Shambles !!!!
Lies, dam lies and Amber Valley Tories- re Cromford Road Car Park
It is evident from the front page of the local Tory press that nothing will stop the Conservatives trying to get a news story where one does not exist based on something which is a lie and a smear But then again it is an election period.
It is disappointing, however, that due to sloppy journalism and the need to create a sensational story to stop a sliding readership the Ripley and Heanor News have printed on their front page such a story which is nothing less than a bare face lie despite being told all the details by the Leader of the Council which the paper omitted to print.They obviously chose to ignore the truth as it did not fit in with their sensationialised front page story.
For the benefit of clarity here is the TRUTH
So the Ripley and Heanor has used a baseless story to support the Tory message during the election in the full knowledge that the Council is unable to respond with the truth.
This is the same paper which has never mentioned the success of the new labour administration is removing over 1000 houses from the Greenbelt between Ripley and Codnor .
It is evident from the front page of the local Tory press that nothing will stop the Conservatives trying to get a news story where one does not exist based on something which is a lie and a smear But then again it is an election period.
It is disappointing, however, that due to sloppy journalism and the need to create a sensational story to stop a sliding readership the Ripley and Heanor News have printed on their front page such a story which is nothing less than a bare face lie despite being told all the details by the Leader of the Council which the paper omitted to print.They obviously chose to ignore the truth as it did not fit in with their sensationialised front page story.
For the benefit of clarity here is the TRUTH
- The original decision to put the Town Hall and car park up for sale was made over 4 years ago by then Tory controlled Council.
- There has never been any meetings in secret held by the current administration. It is interesting that no details of the alleged secret meeting are available and the Ripley and Heanor puts it down to their own investigations yet uses the same language as the deputy leader of the Tory group .Is this a coincidence ?
- The rabid right wing Tory deputy leader Alan Cox complained that the meeting to discuss the proposed sale of the car park should not be heard as a confidential item Yet did not vote against the item being discussed in the confidential section when it came to the Full Council on 25 March.
- The process used to discuss this item were exactly the same as used by the previous Tory administration in respect of the sale of Nottingham Road Ripley and Field Lane Belper when Cllr Cox was deputy leader
- A senior member of the Tory group has been contacting businesses in Ripley about this and leaking confidential council information ,including details of the company that has made a bid for the car park ,for their own political ends.
- Cllr Alan Cox complained to the Council's Scrutiny Committee that the decision making process was flawed and should not have been heard in the confidential part of the Cabinet meeting .This was rejected unanimously by the Committee made up of 5 Labour and 4 Tories . Indeed the Tory Vice Chair condemned Alan Cox for the call in as it had no basis in truth and said that the figures he quoted were misleading at best .
So the Ripley and Heanor has used a baseless story to support the Tory message during the election in the full knowledge that the Council is unable to respond with the truth.
This is the same paper which has never mentioned the success of the new labour administration is removing over 1000 houses from the Greenbelt between Ripley and Codnor .
interesting at another of Nigel 'Candy Crush 'Mills public meetings Only 5 people turned up ,hardly a ringing endorsement . The issues raised were the NHS and the Right to Buy
someone pointed this simple maths calculation out to me
minimum wage from October 2015 = £6.70 x 30 hours per week x 52 weeks = £10452
Current personal tax allowance £10600 ,therefore NO tax due at present .
Why pledge something which is already in place Unless as they said the Tories are too thick to do the maths ! A bit like the £8bn promised for the NHS
You cannot trust a tory
someone pointed this simple maths calculation out to me
minimum wage from October 2015 = £6.70 x 30 hours per week x 52 weeks = £10452
Current personal tax allowance £10600 ,therefore NO tax due at present .
Why pledge something which is already in place Unless as they said the Tories are too thick to do the maths ! A bit like the £8bn promised for the NHS
You cannot trust a tory
Interesting that both Tories Jacaqui and Alan Cox are standing down from Belper Town Council. Obviously like All Tories they are jumping before the electorate kick them off
Nice to see that the Labour controlled Council have agreed to provide an interest free loan to Codnor Castle Heritage Trust to help the organisation continue its good work in promoting the Castle and tourism in the area.
Interesting to hear that 7 people attended Nigel 'Candy Crush' Mills latest public meeting .This included Nigel and his 2 minders .His campaign has really caught the public's imagination
We understand that it is a four horse race to replace Stuart Bradford as leader. They are Alan Cox, Kevin Buttery, Chris Short and David Taylor
Nice to see that the Labour controlled Council have agreed to provide an interest free loan to Codnor Castle Heritage Trust to help the organisation continue its good work in promoting the Castle and tourism in the area.
Interesting to hear that 7 people attended Nigel 'Candy Crush' Mills latest public meeting .This included Nigel and his 2 minders .His campaign has really caught the public's imagination
We understand that it is a four horse race to replace Stuart Bradford as leader. They are Alan Cox, Kevin Buttery, Chris Short and David Taylor
The last year has been a varied one for the Group on Amber Valley.The sad loss of the Labour stalwart Councillor Geoff Carlile was a low point for us only helped when Lyndsay Cox easily retained the seat.
The launch of the website has clearly been a success , not only with party members, but the press and our political opponents and we will strive to build on this success. None of the other major parties have their own website just dedicated to Amber Valley Borough Council. Indeed the prospective Tory Parliamentary candidate and Borough Councillor Nigel Mills is so engrossed in becoming an MP that he has not even time to blog on his own website his last blog was 1st September 2009 ,although he is canvassing at night which has led me to receive a number of complaints from the public about this as they feel uncomfortable answering their doors at night to to strange people. The success of our website has led some people to be envious we will have had as many visitors in 7 months as some party website have had in 21 months. So to our rivals all I can say it is quality that counts.
Another pleasing aspect has been the launch of the Amber Valley Youth group which has been driven by a significant number of young people wanting to become actively involved in politics
The Group although outnumbered within the voting Chamber at Amber Valley have worked hard representing their constituents and making constructive suggestions to the controlling group, some of which, they have taken on board. This is an important role for any opposition not to oppose for the sake of it but because you believe there are viable alternatives. We have supported the controlling group when we have felt it is in the best interest of the residents of Amber Valley.
We have put a number of motions to the Full Council which have resulted Free Christmas car parking for residents,forced a review of the imposition of car parking charges on the council carparks in, Alfreton, Belper, Codnor ,Langley Mill ,Riddings Somercotes and Swanwick and recognised the sacrifices made by our residents in armed conflicts.We have also opposed the introduction of car parking charges on a Sunday.
We are well on the way to having selected all our candidates to fight the elections on May 6th ,when we expect to make inroads into the Tory majority on the Council. Our manifesto has been written and agreed and will be launched in due course. The recent publicity with Tory controlled Ripley Town Council being in such a financial mess that they have to propose to increase their portion of the Council Tax by 248% is staggering and a warning for anyone who believes they can trust the Tories with your finances. On the one hand you have one Tory Council punishing the electorate for their own financial mismanagement by a staggering increase in Council Tax in the middle of the worst economic recession ever and another one making staff redundant and reducing services to keep the Council Tax down both based in the same Town. This is truly amazing.
The BNP , who seem to be reliant on the ‘blogosphere’ to get their message across seem to be being dragged down by potential imprisonment of its Leader through failure to comply with the ‘racist’ constitution of their party, the collapse of funding as illustrated by their own accounts , and the local elections results since July which show that their vote, where they can find someone to stand has collapsed to 13% and they lost the only 2 seats they were defending. In the County Council elections last June their ‘strong hold’ of Heanor saw their vote reduced by over 8% and in the Ripley by-election they couldn’t even find a candidate. Which I think says its all for them. They seem to remind me of the SDP in the 1980′s who believed they were going to change the world and politics and then fell into obscurity by splitting into several parties.
The minor parties are naming their candidates for the general Election and by the names I have seen, their lack of membership numbers would explain the poor quality of candidates.
The spate of bad weather has focused peoples minds on the public services but I think how the main roads have been kept open and the buses have continued to run is a tribute to the hard work of our public services. I would like to pass on my thanks to all those who helped during this difficult period. Public services are often criticised but it is important to acknowledge them when they perform well.
The launch of the website has clearly been a success , not only with party members, but the press and our political opponents and we will strive to build on this success. None of the other major parties have their own website just dedicated to Amber Valley Borough Council. Indeed the prospective Tory Parliamentary candidate and Borough Councillor Nigel Mills is so engrossed in becoming an MP that he has not even time to blog on his own website his last blog was 1st September 2009 ,although he is canvassing at night which has led me to receive a number of complaints from the public about this as they feel uncomfortable answering their doors at night to to strange people. The success of our website has led some people to be envious we will have had as many visitors in 7 months as some party website have had in 21 months. So to our rivals all I can say it is quality that counts.
Another pleasing aspect has been the launch of the Amber Valley Youth group which has been driven by a significant number of young people wanting to become actively involved in politics
The Group although outnumbered within the voting Chamber at Amber Valley have worked hard representing their constituents and making constructive suggestions to the controlling group, some of which, they have taken on board. This is an important role for any opposition not to oppose for the sake of it but because you believe there are viable alternatives. We have supported the controlling group when we have felt it is in the best interest of the residents of Amber Valley.
We have put a number of motions to the Full Council which have resulted Free Christmas car parking for residents,forced a review of the imposition of car parking charges on the council carparks in, Alfreton, Belper, Codnor ,Langley Mill ,Riddings Somercotes and Swanwick and recognised the sacrifices made by our residents in armed conflicts.We have also opposed the introduction of car parking charges on a Sunday.
We are well on the way to having selected all our candidates to fight the elections on May 6th ,when we expect to make inroads into the Tory majority on the Council. Our manifesto has been written and agreed and will be launched in due course. The recent publicity with Tory controlled Ripley Town Council being in such a financial mess that they have to propose to increase their portion of the Council Tax by 248% is staggering and a warning for anyone who believes they can trust the Tories with your finances. On the one hand you have one Tory Council punishing the electorate for their own financial mismanagement by a staggering increase in Council Tax in the middle of the worst economic recession ever and another one making staff redundant and reducing services to keep the Council Tax down both based in the same Town. This is truly amazing.
The BNP , who seem to be reliant on the ‘blogosphere’ to get their message across seem to be being dragged down by potential imprisonment of its Leader through failure to comply with the ‘racist’ constitution of their party, the collapse of funding as illustrated by their own accounts , and the local elections results since July which show that their vote, where they can find someone to stand has collapsed to 13% and they lost the only 2 seats they were defending. In the County Council elections last June their ‘strong hold’ of Heanor saw their vote reduced by over 8% and in the Ripley by-election they couldn’t even find a candidate. Which I think says its all for them. They seem to remind me of the SDP in the 1980′s who believed they were going to change the world and politics and then fell into obscurity by splitting into several parties.
The minor parties are naming their candidates for the general Election and by the names I have seen, their lack of membership numbers would explain the poor quality of candidates.
The spate of bad weather has focused peoples minds on the public services but I think how the main roads have been kept open and the buses have continued to run is a tribute to the hard work of our public services. I would like to pass on my thanks to all those who helped during this difficult period. Public services are often criticised but it is important to acknowledge them when they perform well.